quarta-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2009

AIDS , Alcohol e Drugs


AIDS is caused by a virus that manifests itself by the increasing volume of sweating, fatigue, skin cancer and respiratory infections.
AIDS is a disease that causes human immunodeficiency.
Individuals infected by AIDS can transmit it through 3 ways:
Mother to her child
The transmission through sex is the most frequent reason, both in homosexual and heterosexual relationships, as long as one the 2 people is infected.
The transmission of a mother to her child can occur during her pregnancy or during the childbirth.
The transmission of the virus through blood occurs by sharing infected needles and syringes, manicure equipment, barber equipment, tattoos or blood transfusions.
The virus it is not transmitted in swimming-pools, restaurants, telephones, safe sex and bathrooms.
People, who are infected, should be respected at their workplace and schools.
AIDS can lead to death.


Teenagers, who drink alcohol, tend to keep a distance from their family, friends, school, etc…
These teenagers feel attracted by unknown sensations, whenever they listen to their friends talking about the feeling that they had when they used drugs.
These teenagers begin to use drugs because they feel curious and because they feel attracted by risky situations. These teenagers often have difficulties when they have to deal with feelings of insecurity, anguish, indisposition and they tend to hide where they feel more secure and protected.
Many of these young people stay away from their family and friends.
An alcoholic can easily because sick and they face a premature death. Those who recovered from this addiction have to relearn to have a natural lifestyle.
A significant group of 71% of teenagers has tried alcohol, although only 12% admitted being regular consumers, and this means that they drink beer or wine, at least once a week.


A drug is a type of substance, natural or synthetic, that when it enters inside the human it body, modifies its functions. Drugs are obtained from certain natural plants, animals and some minerals, such as caffeine (coffee), nicotine (tobacco), opium (poppy) and THC tetrahydrocannabinol (marijuana). Synthetic drugs are produced in laboratories, requiring special techniques. The term drug can have many different interpretations, but it is commonly associated to the idea of an illegal substance, that changes the body’s functions, its mood and behaviour. Then term drug includes painkillers, stimulants, tranquilizers and barbiturics.


Much has been done nowadays to prevent people from using drugs. However, there has been also a great effort, legally or illegally, so that they still continue to be used. The final result is that people tend to use more and more drugs today.
Using drugs is way of seeking pleasure. Drugs cause a sense of pleasure that fools the body, and then it starts wanting more. But this pleasure given by drugs is not good, because it destroys lives.
Prevention must show that there is a difference between what is ok and allowed, and what is good.
Every user and his family have suffered the consequences of this search pleasure.

Trabalho Realizado por: Joana Ribeiro nº8, Débora Maravalhas nº5

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